No Filter Drawing Machine


NoFilter is an interactive (useless) drawing machine that embodies the words: Networks, algorithms, self, internet of things and Data visualization. The useless machine recalls the work of Bruno Munari. Munari’s useless machines presented in “Design as Art” were open to interpretation, but what is for certain is that they do not represent anything in specific order to revive art and imagination (Munari 23). Munari believed useful objects and tools, such as the case of machines, have afflicted our imagination as they have detached themselves through time from art and craft. The opposing useless machines developed by Munari “belong to the world of aesthetics” (23); strange constructions of moveable parts fixed together attempting to reconcile the lost art in machinery. Is it really useless? The big debate with Bruno Munari’s Useless machines was that they were not entirely useless. In his own words, some consider useless machines to actually have use since “they produce goods of a spiritual kind (images, aesthetic sense, the cultivation of taste, kinetic information, etc.)


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